Defining the Gay Agenda

The primary arguments for the Gay Agenda

1. Equal rights – Gays are human beings, and deserve to have the same rights in society as their heterosexual counterparts. 

2. Homosexuality is an involuntary disposition, not a choice – Gays cannot help but be attracted to the opposite sex.  It's innate and involuntary, not a choice.  Who would choose to be gay anyway, with the way they are discriminated against in society!

3. Homosexuality is natural – Animals engage in homosexual behavior, so we shouldn't be surprised to see this disposition in people.

4. Intolerance and homophobia is to blame for the harm many gays face – It's true that gays face more depression and suicide, but it's because of the hardships they face from      homophobia, not from any intrinsic problem with their sexual preference.

5. Couples who adopt should be able to marry – some states have allowed gays to adopt for 20 years, and it harms the development of their children to disallow them a marriage license.

6. Relative morality  – If you do not prefer homosexual sex, then don't have homosexual sex!  There is no absolute standard of right and wrong that applies to all people.  We decide for ourselves what is right for us.

7. Separation of church and state – The state should be free from the religious constraints of anti-gay churches, and the state should treat all people equally.

8. It is more and more common to hear a biblical argument for the tolerance of homosexuality: The Bible encourages love and acceptance and forbids judging others.


1. Responding to the Equal Rights argument:

*The argument is a logical fallacy called "fallacy of accident", which is when a general rule is misapplied. Equality is the general rule, and it does not apply to equal rights to many things in society.  Those who are not qualified have no equal right to a marriage license any more than they do to a pilot's license if they don't know how to fly, or a physician's license if they haven't graduated from medical school.

*Homosexuals have an equal right to marry.  Homosexuals have a right to marry just like heterosexuals.  For example, a gay man can marry a woman – no one is forbidding that.  Heterosexuals and homosexuals are equally forbidden to redefine marriage.  A heterosexual man cannot marry his daughter, and a homosexual man cannot marry a man.  They are equally bound to the definition of marriage if they want to enter into marriage.  They are equally forbidden to redefine marriage to accommodate their perverse sexual appetites.

*The Washington State Court of Appeals  said, "Homosexuals of the same sex are denied the right to marriage licenses "because of the nature of marriage itself").

*The Kentucky Federal Court said, homosexuals are disqualified for marriage "by their own incapability of entering into a marriage as that term is defined"


2. Responding to the argument that "Homosexuality is involuntary"

*This is a very important argument for the Gay Agenda, because it is difficult to claim victim status unless homosexuality is involuntary. 

*Before we continue we must beware of equivocation over the term "homosexuality" (distinguish between temptation and conduct)

*There is a psychiatric problem called Gender identity disorder, which is when children have gender confusion in early ages.  This problem may increase the likelihood of homosexual temptations, but it doesn't make homosexuality inevitable.

*Some social factors increase likelihood of being gay.  For example, if a woman is abused by a man, she is statistically more likely to become a lesbian.  As a physician I've seen this connection repeatedly.  If a young man has a detached father he does not view as a role model and an over-bearing mother, or if he is molested as a child by a homosexual, he is more likely to become a homosexual.  These experiences may make homosexual temptations more likely, but these urges can still be resisted.  We still maintain a free will with the power of contrary choice.

Did God make you "gay"?

Here are some famous studies that have been hailed by the media and by gay propaganda as "proof" that homosexuality is innate.

Dr. Simon LaVay; Drs. Simon & Rice; Drs. Bailey & Pillard – The authors of each of these concluded failure.  They did not prove what they sought to prove, and they admit this.

* The consensus of the American Psychiatric Assn. is as follows: "Many scientists share the view that sexual orientation is shaped for most people at an early age through complex interactions of biological, psychological, and social factors." 

*There is no proof that being homosexual is innate and involuntary, and much proof that it isn't.  For example, the growing number of homosexuals who have abandoned the homosexual lifestyle and become straight and claim to be happily married with children.  This is evidence that homosexuality is a choice, yet it is not considered at all by the gay propagandists. 

*Ecclesiastes 7:29: God made men upright, but they have sought out many evil inventions.  God did not make men morally broken.  He made men upright, and evil came about through men's choices.

Homosexuals have a heterosexual biological design.  You don't have to read the Bible to know homosexuality is unnatural, you just have to open a Human Phsyiciology textbook and learn what your genitals are for.  We have a design and when we live within that design, we enjoy longevity and long-lasting happiness.  If we transgress that design by abusing our bodies, harm results. 

*When an object is used contrary to its design, harm results…. If I were to eat pudding with a shovel and dig a  ditch with a spoon, what's going to happen?  Harm!  What would we expect to see when our sexual nature, something so personal and so intricately annexed to our psyche, is abused contrary to our design to satisfy a pathological appetite?  The evidence shows that an inordinate amount of psychological misery is the end result.    

* Archives of General Psychiatry – concluded that gay, lesbian, and bisexual people were at a much higher risk for mental illness, specifically six times more likely to have suicide attempts, 4 times more likely major depression, 5 times more likely to have substance abuse, 3 times more likely to have anxiety disorder, and 6 times more likely to have multiple disorders.  What is it about homosexuality that drives men and women to illicit drug abuse and psychological misery?)  If homophobia were to blame, wouldn't the rates of depression and suicide be lower in gay affirming societies like the Netherlands?  They are not!

* Another study showed that men with same-sex partners were 6 ½ times as likely as their twins to have attempted suicide.

* Drs. Bell and Weinberg – "In more than 50% of the cases studied, homosexual               tendencies were uncovered."

*Homosexual sex is a perversion of natural physiology, and we would expect to see psychological illness when our sexual appetite is abused contrary to our body's design.

Why does the Gay Agenda include muzzling the ex-gays?

Example of James Hartline, an HIV positive ex-gay Christian in San Diego.

*Dr. Robert Spitzer is one of the physicians who was pivotal and convincing the American Psychiatric Assn. to change its criteria that designated homosexuality as a pathological sexual behavior in 1973.  His opinions have been as sacred as Scripture to the Gay Agenda for thirty years.  However, he did a write-up in the Archives of Sexual Behavior about two years ago on a study in which he concluded, "I'm convinced from the people I have interviewed, that for many of them, they have made substantial changes toward becoming heterosexual… I think that's news… I came to this study skeptical.  I now claim that these changes can be sustained."

* NARTH (National Assn. for the Research and Therapy of Homosexuality) & Exodus International offer a lot of help and counsel to people struggling with unwanted homosexual attraction, and they have a long and growing list of thousands of men and women who were gay and are now straight. 

*Dr. Satinover reported a 52% success rate in the treatment of unwanted homosexual attraction.

*Masters and Johnson, the famed sex researchers, reported a 65% success rate after a five year follow-up.

*Michael Glatze, founder of Young Gay America, founded Gay-Straight Alliances in public schools, came out of the closet about two years ago and declared that he was abandoning the gay lifestyle and becoming straight. 

*He said he wasn't born gay, but became gay when his father, in order to punish him for taking his mother's side in a custody dispute, had his friend sodomize him.

*Glatze said, "For me, homosexuality was spiritual and psychological death." The gay agenda said Michael Glatze will always be gay, although he claims to have changed. However, if he is gay, then why does the gay agenda muzzle him? Why does the gay agenda discriminate against gays who claim to have changed?

3. Responding to the argument: "Homosexuality occurs in nature".  It's fun to disprove because it's such a foolish argument.  This argument is a local fallacy called a hasty generalization, which is when the conclusions do not follow from the given premise.  Just because animals do strange things to other animals, that doesn't make it normal for humans to behave similarly.

Some animals:

                Eat their mate after sex

                Have sex with their young

                Force themselves upon the opposite sex (rape)

                Severely injure their mate during sex

                Eat their young when threatened

Does this justify this behavior in humans?


4. Responding to the argument that "Homophobia is to blame" for so many of the negative things that homosexuals face in life.

*Those who disapprove of homosexual behavior are constantly indicted for violent acts against gays, when the facts reveal that, incidentally, gays are the biggest gay-bashers.

* Journal of Interpersonal Violence: conflict and violence in lesbian relationships: 31% reported one or more incidents of physical abuse, which is much higher than their heterosexual counterparts.  In a survey of 1099 lesbians, "more than half reported that they had been abused by a former female lover or partner"

* Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology found that 37% had been physically abused and 32% had been raped or sexually attacked.  The incidence of domestic violence among gay men is nearly double that in the heterosexual population

* What would the gay propagandists say if born-again Christians were the leading serial killers in the country?  Do you think that maybe that this would be brought up as evidence that something is intrinsically wrong with Bible-believing Christianity?

* Well, the leading serial killers are not "homophobes" but are all homosexuals: Donald Harvey (37 murders), John Wayne Gacy (33), Patrick Wayne Kearney (32), Bruce Davis (28), Dean Corli, Elmer Wayne Henley, David Owen Brooks (27), Juan Corona (25), Jeffrey Dahmer (17), Stephen Kraft (16), William Bonin (14). 

*A study of 518 sex-related mass murders in the US spanning 17 years determined that 68% of the victims were killed by homosexuals.  They comprise 2-3 % of the population, as much as 10% according to some liberal estimates, and yet they comprise 68% of the sex-related mass murderers.  Do you think that maybe, this tells us that something intrinsically wrong with homosexual behavior?

Depression and high suicide rates and high substance abuse rates in the homosexual population is blamed on homophobia

*I won't bore you with all the studies proving the high rates, because they are well accepted on both sides of the aisle.  However, in some of these studies, if the reasons for the suicide attempt were connected to homosexuality, 2/3 of suicide attempts were due to break-ups in relationships (not pressure from heterosexuals who disapprove of homosexual behavior)

* Drs. Bell & Weinberg discovered that relationship break-ups were responsible for most suicide attempts.

* If being a born-again Christian made you more likely to commit suicide, would it be more reasonable to blame homosexuals or our liberal critics, or would it be more reasonable to assume that the high suicide rates indicated something negative about Christianity?

Homophobia is society even blamed for high S.T.D. rates among gays because if society would let gays marry, they would be less promiscuous. 

*Data from Netherlands casts doubt on this claim – have had legal gay marriage for almost fifteen years.  It is the most gay-affirming society in the world.  Yet they have documented persistent extreme promiscuity in the homosexual population compared to the heterosexual population (according to a 2003 article in the medical journal AIDS).  The average length of steady partnerships was two years, and these had an avg. of 8 casual sex partners annually (those without a steady partner had an avg. of 22 casual sex partners annually)

*Drs. Bell & Weinberg, in their classic study of homosexuality, found 43% of white male homosexuals had sex with 500 or more partners, with 28% having 1,000 or more sex partners. 

*Now if you are a heterosexual fornicator who is having sex with hundreds of different partners every year, do you really think that if we give you a marriage certificate, you're all of a sudden going to be faithful and self-controlled?  The gay propaganda peddlers are fooling themselves to think that if we give two gays a marriage certificate, they're going to be less promiscuous.  As a matter of fact, in a book The Male Couple, authors McWhirter and Mattison report that in a study of 156 males in homosexual relationships, all the couples with a relationship lasting more than five years have incorporated some provision for sex outside of their relationship.

*If preventing gay promiscuity is an argument for gay marriage, it's also an argument for banning homosexual acts because that prevents promiscuity better than gay marriage (Saudi Arabia, after all, doesn't have an AIDS crisis).

5. Responding to the argument that "If gays are allowed to adopt children, they should be able to marry."

* Is/ought fallacy: just because gay adoption  is legal, that doesn't mean it ought to be.

* The legalization of one type of child abuse doesn't justify another

*One of the reasons gays should not be allowed to adopt children is because it harms many of those children.

*It would be malpractice not to give a fair hearing to the shocking statistics of homosexual abuse of children, because I think it is one of the strongest evidences that homosexuality is a dangerous and self-depreciating lifestyle.

*The Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy, 1992: half of the sexually-molested children were molested by homosexuals

* Archives of Sexual Behavior, 2001: 46% of male homosexuals and 22% of lesbians reported homosexual molestation in childhood

* Children of homosexual parents have a 50-fold increased risk of suffering incest from parent

*Homosexuals account for 150 boy victims per sex abuser compared to 19 female victims per heterosexual child abuser

*In the Archives of Sexual Behavior, 86% of offenders against males described themselves as homosexual or bisexual. 

Addressing the default argument of the gay agenda

The homosexual agenda's default debate tactic: "When all else fails, act like a kindergartner and call them names."

Logical fallacy called "ad hominem abusive"



6. Addressing the argument that "all morality is relative" and "we have a separation of church and state."


If morality is relative, how can we condemn

                1. Burning witches

                2. Slavery

                3. Gay-bashing

                4. the clitorectomies of little Arab girls

                5. Killing abortion doctors???

In order to have such a thing as human rights, evil, and justice, there must be:

  • ¨ Universal standard – transcends time and boundaries

  • ¨ Objective standard – not just internal, but external to self

  • ¨ Natural revelation (self-evident) – sane moral agents must have internal awareness of right and wrong (conscience that functions)

  • ¨ Transcendance – God is a necessary precondition for morality

                The best argument for the truth of Christianity is that without Christianity, you can't have absolute moral truth – morality and justice would be relative.  Yet no one is more dogmatic and judgmental that the homosexual activist who protests when gays are denied employment, when gay marriage is banned, or when gays are denied the right to adopt children or lead Boy Scouts into the woods on camping trips.  The gay activist must assume what he's arguing against: absolute moral truth, in order to try to overturn Christianity, without which there can be no absolute moral truth.  There is a standard of right and wrong that transcends our personal opinions, and it is this eternal, objective standard that our Creator is going to hold us accountable to on a future day of Judgment. (See for more thorough presentation of this argument.)

7. Refuting the argument that "The Bible justifies homosexuality."       

Let's address this biblical argument that gays activists are leveling on their critics, because it is becoming more and more common: "The Bible encourages love and acceptance."

  • - "God accepts those who fear Him and work righteousness." Acts 10

  • - The Bible condemns homosexuality  every time it is mentioned.

  • ¨ Reason given for Sodom and Gomorrah's destruction. Jude's commentary, verse 7: "Even as Sodom and Gomorra, and the cities about them in like manner, giving themselves over to immoral sex, and going after strange flesh, are set forth for an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire."

  • ¨ I Corinthians 6 "Homosexuals will not inherit the kingdom of God… And such were some of you, but you are washing and saved in the name of the Lord Jesus and by the Spirit of God.

                *Romans 1 – Homosexuals acts are called "vile affections… even  their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature, and likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another, men with men doing what which is grossly improper, and receiving in themselves the consequences they deserve."

The gay activist rebuts:  "You are a hypocrite if you condemn gays with Leviticus and eat shrimp?"

(Leviticus 18 and 20) The ceremonial and dietary commandments given at Mt. Sinai were for the Jews.  They are rendered optional in the New Testament whereas the moral law existed before Mt. Sinai and was reiterated in the New Testament

Rebuttal of argument: "Judge not, lest ye be judged"

*Matthew 7:1-5 forbids hypocritical judgment "Judge not lest ye be judged, for with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged. … Thou hypocrite, first cast the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to cast the speck of wood out of your brother's eye."

*Christians are commanded to "judge righteous judgment" in John 7:24, I Corinthians 2:15 and 6:2-3

*Homosexuals are just as judgmental, only different standard that is contradictory and self-refuting

*The conflict is ultimately the conflict Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden: "By what standard shall we live?"  God's Word or the devil's lies.

*Submission to God vs. Rebellion, both individually and as a nation.  "Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord" but "the wicked will be turned into hell, and every nation that forgets God."

*Propaganda is like darkness, and cannot withstand the light.  In my experience, the proponents of homosexual propaganda are frequently cowards and unwilling to openly debate this subject.  It's so much easier to just call them names from a distance.